Improved Energy +
Los Angeles, CA (323) 290-6159
Boise-Nampa, ID (208) 342-4215

Contraries: The Life Saving Anti Modality

The Law of Contraries is applied when there is not enough time to grow healthy. The focus of the Contraries physician is to live from what would otherwise be the natural outcome of nature’s altered Natural Dynamic Flow.

The dynamic flow of nature, referred to as QI, pronounced “CHEE” Prana, Vital Force, Life Force, etc., has a pace, cadence, and rhythm that moves with the momentum of the seasons. It does not move very fast. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall are free-flowing dynamics that appear in their time and move away when it is time for them to do so. When the dynamic pace of an event, such as gunshot wounds, trauma, poisons, allergic reactions, etc., exceeds the pace of nature’s natural flow, a response or reaction that moves quicker than the pace of Nature’s Natural Flow is required.

The Law of Contraries is most appropriately applied when the need to respond moves faster than nature’s natural flow. This is most called for in acute emergencies. Not appropriately applying the Law of Contraries could result in an unfortunate outcome.

The mission of the Medical Physician is to save lives, cure or at least manage disease. This centers on Five Disciplines of Medicine: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, and Surgery. Medical Physicians are trained to accurately and safely apply the Law of Contraries. This Law is an unnatural application of (Drugs and Surgery) utilized when the most needed Law is contrary to Nature’s Natural Flow.

This contrary law is called Allows meaning anti or against. This is why many of the tools used in medicine are “Anti”: biotics, depressants, hypertensives, etc. The application of the law is called Allopathy and the practitioners of this law are referred to as Allopaths.

The practice of medicine is called Allopathy because it works against nature’s natural flow. Physicians who apply this law act Allopathically even when utilizing natural substances, methods, and procedures.

In addition to the five Disciplines of Medicine, the Healing Professional is trained in methods of growing health based on the Five Fundamental Laws of Healing: Bio-Dynamics, Bio-Chemistry, Contradictions, Similars, and Structure and function.

When dynamic energy flows easily and without limitation, its expression of ease is referred to as health. Any limitation to the natural flow of this ineffable universal dynamic is a dis-ease and the root of the expression of symptoms that are diagnosed as disease. The fundamental mission of the Medical Physician is to save lives, cure, or at least manage the disease. The essential mission of the Healing Professional is to facilitate the flow of universal dynamics to a state of ease. The outcome and expression of ease in the animating process bring about a state of health and the ultimate expression of wellness.

When a limitation is so deranged that it threatens the very animating process the work of the Allopathic Physician is most appropriate in preventing extreme derangement and limitation to the natural flow that may otherwise result in the loss of life.

All the Laws of Healing are good, provided they are appropriately applied.

Better Living with Nutrition and Herbal Remedies

Once the body has the essential nutrients (Bio-Chemistry) needed in the animating process, interference with proper function is minimized. Health and Well-Being can be restored and maintained. Essential functions of the body are dependent on the following:

  • Vitamins
  • Antioxidants
  • Proteins
  • Good Fats
  • Carbohydrates
  • Minerals

Medications and Drugs, both over-the-counter and prescription, can deplete the body of essential nutrients. Also, it is well-documented and accepted that the American diet is inadequate to ensure optimal health. Therefore, supplementation is integral to our pursuit of restoring and maintaining health and wellness. This is listed 2 time delete one

In today's hustle, bustle, non-stop world, everyone is affected by at least one of the three primary causes of Dis-ease. These three causes are dehydration, starvation, and fatigue. By addressing and removing these imbalances and eliminating toxins, our body can return to health and wellness. When the body is exposed over a prolonged time to stress, either because of poor eating habits, lack of rest, or environmental pollution, proper body function is lost, the disease begins to limit the natural healthy expression of life, and signs and symptoms of illness begin to appear. Learn more about the services offered at our wellness centers in Los Angeles, CA, and Boise and Nampa, Idaho.